endox – competent and innovative
Manufacturers of medical technology or precision devices can only survive in the market on a long-term basis as long as they can permanently deliver the highest quality. Therefore it is an important requirement to have reliable suppliers.
Guarantee of purity
The production process at endox is performed under adherence to strict hygienic regulations. E.g. according to regulations endox employees have to wear special clean-room overalls free of contaminating particles. All products supplied by endox are free of contamination as well as oil or grease and partly ultrasonic-cleaned. We also perform IPA-alcohol cleaning on demand.
We deliver our products in non-sterile PE-tubes, bags or PVC-pipes. Sterile packaging is possible on request. The delivery then takes place in a cardboard box.

endox feinwerktechnik GmbH
DIN EN ISO 13485 certified